Friday, June 03, 2005

Deep Throat

I've been a bit silent lately. No reason, just laziness. And the news.

I don't know when this shit started but it's worse than the Summer of Sharks back in 2000. How many words can you right about a 90-year old rat who finally admitted that he's a rat? I'm not letting conservatives off of the hook either. Noonan, one of my favorite commentators, had a piece up today on the Mark Felt thing. She's frothing at the mouth about him betraying the ethics he swore to and all of that.

I haven't hit Democratic Underground yet, but if Olbermann is any indication, the conspiracy theories are running rampant. The Democrats got Nixon's head on a stake and they still cannot be content with that thirty years after the fact.

What do these disparate ideological camps have in common? AGE. They're all fucking baby boomers who think the pivotal crux of history was when a bunch of hairy people walked around with signs and made the cover of Newsweek.

If needed, I can provide signed affidavits stating that I was shitting my pants and happy to roll around on the floor when the hearings happened. I was not even an idea when the actual burglary took place.

But the Boomers got what they wanted and have ascended to the reins of most big media. That's why I don't think they will let this go anytime soon. And as for those self-worshipping tits named Bernstein and Woodward, well...hopefully their day in the sun has passed.

I asked a woman who I work with what she thought of Deep Throat. She stated, in all seriousness, "Wasn't that a movie about a woman with a clitoris in her windpipe?"

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