Tuesday, March 01, 2005
Chai Vang Update (you racist)
Interesting email I received from the Old Man today. It started like this:
When I pulled the article from the same source tonight, it read like this:
Bit of a different tone, I would say. Needless to say, the original verbage is locked into an email and the second version is the one that will be published tomorrow.
But let's look at the substance of both ledes. I've never been to Sawyer County or met the people there, but they appear to be real scum. They won't even acknowledge that non-white people are innocent until proven guilty and are probably forming lynch mobs outside the courthouse right now.
Poor misunderstood kid...someone calls him some bad names so he has to kill them. It really sucks to be a minority in this hate-filled country.
WOW. These people in Sawyer county really are the dogshit on the bottom of my shoe. They can't even be trusted with their "attitudes."
This is an obscure, but potentially libelous rejoinder. What the fuck does spear-fishing in the 80's have to do with murder in the new century? It seems to me that the only people being slandered by this ordeal are the people of Sawyer county.
Now take a look:

This man is not embarrassing to the Hmong people for his race and he is not embarrassing for the gun-owning community because of his beliefs or previous behavior; he is embarassing as a human being because he is a piece of shit who has no regard for human life and I can't be asked to return the favor to a bottom-feeding shit like this asshole.
HAYWARD, Wis. -- Racism toward Hmong immigrants and a "frenzy" of publicity
would make it "nearly impossible," for accused hunter-killer Chai Vang to get a
fair trial in Sawyer County, Wis., his attorneys asserted in court documents
filed Tuesday.
When I pulled the article from the same source tonight, it read like this:
HAYWARD, WIS. -- Chai Vang's lawyers said in court papers Tuesday that
negative attitudes against non-whites in Sawyer County would make it almost
impossible for the Hmong immigrant to get a fair trial there on charges that he
murdered six deer hunters and wounded two others.
Bit of a different tone, I would say. Needless to say, the original verbage is locked into an email and the second version is the one that will be published tomorrow.
But let's look at the substance of both ledes. I've never been to Sawyer County or met the people there, but they appear to be real scum. They won't even acknowledge that non-white people are innocent until proven guilty and are probably forming lynch mobs outside the courthouse right now.
In his recorded confession filed in court, Vang said one of the other
hunters shot first after they surrounded him and called him "gook" and "chink."
Friends of the dead said they wouldn't treat someone that way, and survivors
said Vang fired first. Vang admitted shooting unarmed people.
Poor misunderstood kid...someone calls him some bad names so he has to kill them. It really sucks to be a minority in this hate-filled country.
Smith wrote that while intolerance may not be predominant in the area,
prospective jurors with such attitudes wouldn't likely admit it during jury
WOW. These people in Sawyer county really are the dogshit on the bottom of my shoe. They can't even be trusted with their "attitudes."
The county has had some racial tension involving the 16 percent who are American
Indian: There were racial taunts and rock throwing when Indians began exercising
treaty rights to spear fish in the 1980s.
This is an obscure, but potentially libelous rejoinder. What the fuck does spear-fishing in the 80's have to do with murder in the new century? It seems to me that the only people being slandered by this ordeal are the people of Sawyer county.
Now take a look:
This man is not embarrassing to the Hmong people for his race and he is not embarrassing for the gun-owning community because of his beliefs or previous behavior; he is embarassing as a human being because he is a piece of shit who has no regard for human life and I can't be asked to return the favor to a bottom-feeding shit like this asshole.
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ya crackers in sawyer county gotta quit hatin on chai vang, because look at jeffery dahmer that fucken whiteboy killed how many people and you guys said he was just insaned, get out of here with that shit, sure it's ok for a piece of white shit to kill but now a colored person shit fuck that, not that i hate all white people, but the ones who talk shit can suck these nuts bitch, and what the fuck is with this fucken sticker saying "save a deer kill a hmong", it should be more like "save some beef and pork and eat a person", hahahahahah damn jeffery dahmer looking ass
"ya crackers in sawyer county gotta quit hatin on chai vang, because look at jeffery dahmer that fucken whiteboy killed how many people and you guys said he was just insaned, get out of here with that shit, sure it's ok for a piece of white shit to kill but now a colored person shit fuck that, not that i hate all white people, but the ones who talk shit can suck these nuts bitch, and what the fuck is with this fucken sticker saying "save a deer kill a hmong", it should be more like "save some beef and pork and eat a person", hahahahahah damn jeffery dahmer looking ass" LOL...I second that. To hell with this White-dominated society. Too many racist people from both sides, but in the end, the dominant side always prevails. AMERICA SUCKS DICK...and I'm defecting from here as soon as I can.
Free Chai Vang? FREE CHAI VANG?
He's your hero? What are you, retarted?? Chai Vang will be made into a Cha-Cha-Cha-Chia Pet these "Crackers" as you say are doen with him. He is a coward,and a liar with a criminal record already present, and in place when he threatned to kill his wife. Please leave as you stated, because you sound like a cannibol with your ignorant "eat a person" remark. Perhaps it's you that sucks dick you non-spelling asswipe!!
He's your hero? What are you, retarted?? Chai Vang will be made into a Cha-Cha-Cha-Chia Pet these "Crackers" as you say are doen with him. He is a coward,and a liar with a criminal record already present, and in place when he threatned to kill his wife. Please leave as you stated, because you sound like a cannibol with your ignorant "eat a person" remark. Perhaps it's you that sucks dick you non-spelling asswipe!!
For those of you who applaud Chai Vang - HE SHOT FOUR OF THOSE PEOPLE IN THE BACK! That isn't even close to self defense. And the last time I checked, "defending your race" isn't a legal justification for MURDER. He wasn't convicted because of ethnicity - face it - he was convicted because he MURDERED six people in cold blood, and attempted to kill two more!
Everyone may say all the negative things they want about Chai. He's not a murderer. I believe that he did the right thing. If they had never threatened Chai to leave out of their property then maybe he would of left but they had to threaten him instead of asking him nicely to just leave. He never defended himself then maybe he would of been wounded and injured badly and he'd probably be gone already but because of his "self-defense" he made it alive. It's not because we're Hmong and we're defending him. We all are different and we all have different opinions and beliefs, we believe what we want to believe. No one will have the right to tell us that we're just standing up for our nationality and/or ethinc. That's not going to change what we think and know is correct. Even though he may spend life in prision, remember.. there's a God above. No one's not going to get away, even though they may get away with human beings, they cannot get away with God. Therefore, God will make the judgements when the time comes.
Viva La Chai Vang! Chai stood up for himself! Making a stand not only for himself but for all of us brown skinned people. Mr. Vang is willing to take responsibility for his actions by telling his story to the public. He said before his sentencing that this was a proudest moment of his life and he is willing to accept what would happen next. He is proud of hisself because he stood up and shouted to the world "I am Viet Namese and am willing to take what ever the white man bestows on me!" Viva La Chai Vang!
Chai Vang got what he deserved. he trespassed on land that did not belong to him, they called him a bad word and he got mad. Boo Hoo too bad. and to "anonymous" starting with ya crackers, you are showing how ignorant you really are by your use of profanity. And if you don't like the laws here and all the "white folks" please go back to whatever third world county you came from and we won't miss your sorry behind.
We the hmong, have as much right to this land like anyone else. What do you ignorant people know about this land. This land was built by immigrants of all different attributes.
last time i checked, it was the indians and the asians that was in america..not the "white men"..curse colombus...
Work on the grammar and your talking points might be easier to understand, Hero. Education is free in this country, even if you are of Asian origin.
ben.. stupid ass.. go back to school.. education is free.. you are so funny.. education is free.. when were you last time in school dumb ass. no wonder your white people get shot... school is not free.. nothing's free in this fuckin country.. not even freedom. ben is stupid bitch... by the way the person of the 2005 is CHAI VANG the killer of 6 white people. today is the most happiest day of my life.. no more child supports, no more bills.. who say this.. i think it was chai vang..
ben.. one more thing.. you sure be one of those white people that got shot that day.. you derserve to die. from you friend, Hero...
read this ben....
All i have to say right now is what Sandy said was enlightening, well thought out and I applaud her. I’ve wrriten about 5 comments previouly so im going to make this one very clear no big words just some simple thoughts no ones has brought up. My thought process will be based on the assumption that most of what Chia Vang said is true. Im sorry guys But Chai Vang right or wrong, bottom line is when your in the middle of the woods confronted by numerous men who outnumber you, curse at you beligerently, and shoot to scare you if that really is as the case may be, you will react. Some men may have tucked tail and run, some less skilled men might have shot back missed and had the hunters chase him down and kill him in what they would have eventually claimed to be self defense of course. You know the more i think about it, why is it everyone assumes even if the white men shot first, that they were only shooting to scare? Is that a gurantee they were shooting “to NOT kill him”? Maybe they were just bad shots. Comon now guys logic dictates that men who surround you, curse angrily at you, then fire a shot at you as your walking away, those are acts of hostility. And the law does state that you are allowed to defend yourself with lethal force if lethal forced is being used against you and you feel you are in imminent danger of lethal bodily harm. If you look up any fire arm legal codes it will tell you if a man is shooting at you and you truly beleive he is trying to kill you and you have a gun you are allowed to shoot him back. Its not a definte the white hunter didnt shoot to kill. Hes not a proffessional marksmen in which case his shooting abilities may have not been up to par with Vangs, and when he shot to kill Vang in a rage he simply missed Vang and hit dirt. Vang may have been the more effective killer as he was trained for years in the “US” military. In any case if we are to presume that the reason Vang shot and killed is becasue he is a pure devil(evil incarnate), isnt it just as reasonable an idea and statement to say that those men tried to kill Chai Vang but were not as effective at a gun battle as he was..he was of course a trained military man. I know some of you will react badly to what i have just said but really think about it? If what Chai Vang said is true they shot at him first, he may have beleived it was a shot not close to him becausee they were just horrid shots, and better to shoot back and defend himself before more shots rained upon him from the outnumbering odds of the belligerent white men he was going to have to engage and fight? If he truly thought this then isnt it better to shoot back and defend yourself then die in vain…correct? Im sorry but this whole story and hypothesis of the sequence of actual events just seems too one sided to me. Yes the end result is one small asian man killed sixwhite men. But who is to say that one asian man was the only one in this tragic incident with the intent to kill. If the white hunters really were the ones who shot fisrt, logic would dictate that Chai Vang simply reacted as he was trained he returned fire, and disabled the enemy. Whether he used excessive force i agree is a definate possibilty but that is another subject that deserves its own seperate posting. Chai Vang was a soilder and in war soilders are taught the rules of engagnement, i know this is civilized society, but bottom line is he was shot and and he returned fire. In time of war he would have been a hero, who prevailed and achieved victory through greatly outnumbered odds. Im sorry i am white but bottom line is i have a hard time beleiving that it is a fact Chai Vangs intentions were “bad” and the white hunters were “good” simply because they are now dead. Bottom line maybe Chai was just a better shooter and more adept gun fighter then the causcasian gentlemen were. Maybe if he had not reacted the way he did he would not be here right now. If it is a possibily Chai Vang is a cold blooded murderer it is also just as rational a possiblty those white men were cold blooded murderers, both sides exchanged gun fire just one side ended up winning and one side all shot to hell and dead. Who shot first remains to be seen and i truly beleive that should be the deciding factor in whether or not Chang loses his livlyhood. The way the media is portraying this story im sorry but under any other circumstances I may have beleived the hunters, but Chia Vang isnt getting a fair shot here. And seeing how the media delivers this story proves my point further. Justice has to be blind to race and color the rules have to apply to everyone or it can not rightfully be called justice. It more like justice if your the appropriate skin color. That first shot if it is true the white hunters shot first, could have potentially been followed by a fury of gunfire leaving Vang the deceased is this story. Im sorry but if the Media and law enforcement are goign to cruicify Vang before the results of the investigation come to light then i am willing to play devils advocate here if it can bring light to another perspective i havnt heard stated yet…. if that is what you perceive me as after stating my hypothesis. The thing is everything i said is pure speculation but guess what Vang is right now being torn to pieces by the local media and local communities through pure specualtion, This is American and MR. VAng deserves the right to a fair trial and a chance to defend himself. I pray for a fair, swift and speedy trial for both parties involved god bless you. And another thing for all you racist hicks do you realized that alot of Hmongs in America today are here as a direct result of their part in aiding american in the secret war against cummunism in the Viet Nam war. They were granted Visa to America because of there aid to help fight the war for a free world, for an American cause. We really are quick to forget things when its not convenient for us to remember….
Comment by Victor Pallone — December 01, 2004 @ 10:20 am
this ben..
All i have to say right now is what Sandy said was enlightening, well thought out and I applaud her. I’ve wrriten about 5 comments previouly so im going to make this one very clear no big words just some simple thoughts no ones has brought up. My thought process will be based on the assumption that most of what Chia Vang said is true. Im sorry guys But Chai Vang right or wrong, bottom line is when your in the middle of the woods confronted by numerous men who outnumber you, curse at you beligerently, and shoot to scare you if that really is as the case may be, you will react. Some men may have tucked tail and run, some less skilled men might have shot back missed and had the hunters chase him down and kill him in what they would have eventually claimed to be self defense of course. You know the more i think about it, why is it everyone assumes even if the white men shot first, that they were only shooting to scare? Is that a gurantee they were shooting “to NOT kill him”? Maybe they were just bad shots. Comon now guys logic dictates that men who surround you, curse angrily at you, then fire a shot at you as your walking away, those are acts of hostility. And the law does state that you are allowed to defend yourself with lethal force if lethal forced is being used against you and you feel you are in imminent danger of lethal bodily harm. If you look up any fire arm legal codes it will tell you if a man is shooting at you and you truly beleive he is trying to kill you and you have a gun you are allowed to shoot him back. Its not a definte the white hunter didnt shoot to kill. Hes not a proffessional marksmen in which case his shooting abilities may have not been up to par with Vangs, and when he shot to kill Vang in a rage he simply missed Vang and hit dirt. Vang may have been the more effective killer as he was trained for years in the “US” military. In any case if we are to presume that the reason Vang shot and killed is becasue he is a pure devil(evil incarnate), isnt it just as reasonable an idea and statement to say that those men tried to kill Chai Vang but were not as effective at a gun battle as he was..he was of course a trained military man. I know some of you will react badly to what i have just said but really think about it? If what Chai Vang said is true they shot at him first, he may have beleived it was a shot not close to him becausee they were just horrid shots, and better to shoot back and defend himself before more shots rained upon him from the outnumbering odds of the belligerent white men he was going to have to engage and fight? If he truly thought this then isnt it better to shoot back and defend yourself then die in vain…correct? Im sorry but this whole story and hypothesis of the sequence of actual events just seems too one sided to me. Yes the end result is one small asian man killed sixwhite men. But who is to say that one asian man was the only one in this tragic incident with the intent to kill. If the white hunters really were the ones who shot fisrt, logic would dictate that Chai Vang simply reacted as he was trained he returned fire, and disabled the enemy. Whether he used excessive force i agree is a definate possibilty but that is another subject that deserves its own seperate posting. Chai Vang was a soilder and in war soilders are taught the rules of engagnement, i know this is civilized society, but bottom line is he was shot and and he returned fire. In time of war he would have been a hero, who prevailed and achieved victory through greatly outnumbered odds. Im sorry i am white but bottom line is i have a hard time beleiving that it is a fact Chai Vangs intentions were “bad” and the white hunters were “good” simply because they are now dead. Bottom line maybe Chai was just a better shooter and more adept gun fighter then the causcasian gentlemen were. Maybe if he had not reacted the way he did he would not be here right now. If it is a possibily Chai Vang is a cold blooded murderer it is also just as rational a possiblty those white men were cold blooded murderers, both sides exchanged gun fire just one side ended up winning and one side all shot to hell and dead. Who shot first remains to be seen and i truly beleive that should be the deciding factor in whether or not Chang loses his livlyhood. The way the media is portraying this story im sorry but under any other circumstances I may have beleived the hunters, but Chia Vang isnt getting a fair shot here. And seeing how the media delivers this story proves my point further. Justice has to be blind to race and color the rules have to apply to everyone or it can not rightfully be called justice. It more like justice if your the appropriate skin color. That first shot if it is true the white hunters shot first, could have potentially been followed by a fury of gunfire leaving Vang the deceased is this story. Im sorry but if the Media and law enforcement are goign to cruicify Vang before the results of the investigation come to light then i am willing to play devils advocate here if it can bring light to another perspective i havnt heard stated yet…. if that is what you perceive me as after stating my hypothesis. The thing is everything i said is pure speculation but guess what Vang is right now being torn to pieces by the local media and local communities through pure specualtion, This is American and MR. VAng deserves the right to a fair trial and a chance to defend himself. I pray for a fair, swift and speedy trial for both parties involved god bless you. And another thing for all you racist hicks do you realized that alot of Hmongs in America today are here as a direct result of their part in aiding american in the secret war against cummunism in the Viet Nam war. They were granted Visa to America because of there aid to help fight the war for a free world, for an American cause. We really are quick to forget things when its not convenient for us to remember….
Comment by Victor Pallone — December 01, 2004 @ 10:20 am
this ben..
White people are all the same... You act as if there is no hate or prejudice, but deep down inside... I know you honkies all think alike. I see it in your eyes, Fuck you all! (Except my cool white friends...)
shut your faggot ass too, Ben.. i thought you die.. white boy like you deserve to die just like what chai vang say to those white people. shut you mouth and go fuck your mother and your whole white family... hahahahahahahah die..
Hey guys.. kool it.. foreal.. you know... while reading the case... yes they say he's guilty.. but that doesnt give the "white people" to hate on the hmong people in general.. its not like we are all the same... and another thing...it's not kool how they made that bumper sticker, "save a deer, kill a hmong." That's discriminating. why does it has to be Hmong that gets discriminated just because this incident that happened?... that's what pissed me off the most... that's all i got to say.. no hard feelings...
read this ben....
All i have to say right now is what Sandy said was enlightening, well thought out and I applaud her. I’ve wrriten about 5 comments previouly so im going to make this one very clear no big words just some simple thoughts no ones has brought up. My thought process will be based on the assumption that most of what Chia Vang said is true. Im sorry guys But Chai Vang right or wrong, bottom line is when your in the middle of the woods confronted by numerous men who outnumber you, curse at you beligerently, and shoot to scare you if that really is as the case may be, you will react. Some men may have tucked tail and run, some less skilled men might have shot back missed and had the hunters chase him down and kill him in what they would have eventually claimed to be self defense of course. You know the more i think about it, why is it everyone assumes even if the white men shot first, that they were only shooting to scare? Is that a gurantee they were shooting “to NOT kill him”? Maybe they were just bad shots. Comon now guys logic dictates that men who surround you, curse angrily at you, then fire a shot at you as your walking away, those are acts of hostility. And the law does state that you are allowed to defend yourself with lethal force if lethal forced is being used against you and you feel you are in imminent danger of lethal bodily harm. If you look up any fire arm legal codes it will tell you if a man is shooting at you and you truly beleive he is trying to kill you and you have a gun you are allowed to shoot him back. Its not a definte the white hunter didnt shoot to kill. Hes not a proffessional marksmen in which case his shooting abilities may have not been up to par with Vangs, and when he shot to kill Vang in a rage he simply missed Vang and hit dirt. Vang may have been the more effective killer as he was trained for years in the “US” military. In any case if we are to presume that the reason Vang shot and killed is becasue he is a pure devil(evil incarnate), isnt it just as reasonable an idea and statement to say that those men tried to kill Chai Vang but were not as effective at a gun battle as he was..he was of course a trained military man. I know some of you will react badly to what i have just said but really think about it? If what Chai Vang said is true they shot at him first, he may have beleived it was a shot not close to him becausee they were just horrid shots, and better to shoot back and defend himself before more shots rained upon him from the outnumbering odds of the belligerent white men he was going to have to engage and fight? If he truly thought this then isnt it better to shoot back and defend yourself then die in vain…correct? Im sorry but this whole story and hypothesis of the sequence of actual events just seems too one sided to me. Yes the end result is one small asian man killed sixwhite men. But who is to say that one asian man was the only one in this tragic incident with the intent to kill. If the white hunters really were the ones who shot fisrt, logic would dictate that Chai Vang simply reacted as he was trained he returned fire, and disabled the enemy. Whether he used excessive force i agree is a definate possibilty but that is another subject that deserves its own seperate posting. Chai Vang was a soilder and in war soilders are taught the rules of engagnement, i know this is civilized society, but bottom line is he was shot and and he returned fire. In time of war he would have been a hero, who prevailed and achieved victory through greatly outnumbered odds. Im sorry i am white but bottom line is i have a hard time beleiving that it is a fact Chai Vangs intentions were “bad” and the white hunters were “good” simply because they are now dead. Bottom line maybe Chai was just a better shooter and more adept gun fighter then the causcasian gentlemen were. Maybe if he had not reacted the way he did he would not be here right now. If it is a possibily Chai Vang is a cold blooded murderer it is also just as rational a possiblty those white men were cold blooded murderers, both sides exchanged gun fire just one side ended up winning and one side all shot to hell and dead. Who shot first remains to be seen and i truly beleive that should be the deciding factor in whether or not Chang loses his livlyhood. The way the media is portraying this story im sorry but under any other circumstances I may have beleived the hunters, but Chia Vang isnt getting a fair shot here. And seeing how the media delivers this story proves my point further. Justice has to be blind to race and color the rules have to apply to everyone or it can not rightfully be called justice. It more like justice if your the appropriate skin color. That first shot if it is true the white hunters shot first, could have potentially been followed by a fury of gunfire leaving Vang the deceased is this story. Im sorry but if the Media and law enforcement are goign to cruicify Vang before the results of the investigation come to light then i am willing to play devils advocate here if it can bring light to another perspective i havnt heard stated yet…. if that is what you perceive me as after stating my hypothesis. The thing is everything i said is pure speculation but guess what Vang is right now being torn to pieces by the local media and local communities through pure specualtion, This is American and MR. VAng deserves the right to a fair trial and a chance to defend himself. I pray for a fair, swift and speedy trial for both parties involved god bless you. And another thing for all you racist hicks do you realized that alot of Hmongs in America today are here as a direct result of their part in aiding american in the secret war against cummunism in the Viet Nam war. They were granted Visa to America because of there aid to help fight the war for a free world, for an American cause. We really are quick to forget things when its not convenient for us to remember….
Totally Agreed !!! thanks for the support
All i have to say right now is what Sandy said was enlightening, well thought out and I applaud her. I’ve wrriten about 5 comments previouly so im going to make this one very clear no big words just some simple thoughts no ones has brought up. My thought process will be based on the assumption that most of what Chia Vang said is true. Im sorry guys But Chai Vang right or wrong, bottom line is when your in the middle of the woods confronted by numerous men who outnumber you, curse at you beligerently, and shoot to scare you if that really is as the case may be, you will react. Some men may have tucked tail and run, some less skilled men might have shot back missed and had the hunters chase him down and kill him in what they would have eventually claimed to be self defense of course. You know the more i think about it, why is it everyone assumes even if the white men shot first, that they were only shooting to scare? Is that a gurantee they were shooting “to NOT kill him”? Maybe they were just bad shots. Comon now guys logic dictates that men who surround you, curse angrily at you, then fire a shot at you as your walking away, those are acts of hostility. And the law does state that you are allowed to defend yourself with lethal force if lethal forced is being used against you and you feel you are in imminent danger of lethal bodily harm. If you look up any fire arm legal codes it will tell you if a man is shooting at you and you truly beleive he is trying to kill you and you have a gun you are allowed to shoot him back. Its not a definte the white hunter didnt shoot to kill. Hes not a proffessional marksmen in which case his shooting abilities may have not been up to par with Vangs, and when he shot to kill Vang in a rage he simply missed Vang and hit dirt. Vang may have been the more effective killer as he was trained for years in the “US” military. In any case if we are to presume that the reason Vang shot and killed is becasue he is a pure devil(evil incarnate), isnt it just as reasonable an idea and statement to say that those men tried to kill Chai Vang but were not as effective at a gun battle as he was..he was of course a trained military man. I know some of you will react badly to what i have just said but really think about it? If what Chai Vang said is true they shot at him first, he may have beleived it was a shot not close to him becausee they were just horrid shots, and better to shoot back and defend himself before more shots rained upon him from the outnumbering odds of the belligerent white men he was going to have to engage and fight? If he truly thought this then isnt it better to shoot back and defend yourself then die in vain…correct? Im sorry but this whole story and hypothesis of the sequence of actual events just seems too one sided to me. Yes the end result is one small asian man killed sixwhite men. But who is to say that one asian man was the only one in this tragic incident with the intent to kill. If the white hunters really were the ones who shot fisrt, logic would dictate that Chai Vang simply reacted as he was trained he returned fire, and disabled the enemy. Whether he used excessive force i agree is a definate possibilty but that is another subject that deserves its own seperate posting. Chai Vang was a soilder and in war soilders are taught the rules of engagnement, i know this is civilized society, but bottom line is he was shot and and he returned fire. In time of war he would have been a hero, who prevailed and achieved victory through greatly outnumbered odds. Im sorry i am white but bottom line is i have a hard time beleiving that it is a fact Chai Vangs intentions were “bad” and the white hunters were “good” simply because they are now dead. Bottom line maybe Chai was just a better shooter and more adept gun fighter then the causcasian gentlemen were. Maybe if he had not reacted the way he did he would not be here right now. If it is a possibily Chai Vang is a cold blooded murderer it is also just as rational a possiblty those white men were cold blooded murderers, both sides exchanged gun fire just one side ended up winning and one side all shot to hell and dead. Who shot first remains to be seen and i truly beleive that should be the deciding factor in whether or not Chang loses his livlyhood. The way the media is portraying this story im sorry but under any other circumstances I may have beleived the hunters, but Chia Vang isnt getting a fair shot here. And seeing how the media delivers this story proves my point further. Justice has to be blind to race and color the rules have to apply to everyone or it can not rightfully be called justice. It more like justice if your the appropriate skin color. That first shot if it is true the white hunters shot first, could have potentially been followed by a fury of gunfire leaving Vang the deceased is this story. Im sorry but if the Media and law enforcement are goign to cruicify Vang before the results of the investigation come to light then i am willing to play devils advocate here if it can bring light to another perspective i havnt heard stated yet…. if that is what you perceive me as after stating my hypothesis. The thing is everything i said is pure speculation but guess what Vang is right now being torn to pieces by the local media and local communities through pure specualtion, This is American and MR. VAng deserves the right to a fair trial and a chance to defend himself. I pray for a fair, swift and speedy trial for both parties involved god bless you. And another thing for all you racist hicks do you realized that alot of Hmongs in America today are here as a direct result of their part in aiding american in the secret war against cummunism in the Viet Nam war. They were granted Visa to America because of there aid to help fight the war for a free world, for an American cause. We really are quick to forget things when its not convenient for us to remember….
Totally Agreed !!! thanks for the support
For tha caucasians in here, do you really believe that white Wisconsin men aren't racist enough to do that? If there are enough of them, they won't care if they make fun of a single minority. You need to wake up and see the truth. Plus, he helped out in the Vietnam War, so give him props.
It was really me.All the shots whizzed by Chai at the Wiscies,and he wondered what the hell was going on.It was in revenge for my Native people, for them hunting on MY land. I didn't make sure the other two were dead.Presuming so, I left, and in passing him, I winked, raised a finger to my mouth and said "Shhhh".
America was created among all immigrants. Doesn't matter if you're white, black, or asian, unless you're a Native American.
Apart from the other Hmong that seems to post that Chai Vang is a hero, I say he is a murderer(for shooting the caucasion men in the back). However, I believe that he was probably taunted by these men he came across.
Yes, it is childish and immature to react the way he did, but a person has to think about what occurred. Because something like this can ever happened, it made me think that if he did shoot those men, the Caucasians of Wisconsin may had provoked others many times before.
Because I live in Sacramento I am not sure how it is like there. However it was not a fond situation when I saw this exact sticker near my Sacramento home. An issue in Wisconsin here in Sacramento. However Sacramento is does not seem to be like that of Wisconsin. We have differ ethinicities and are not racist. As to Wisconsin where the majority of the state is Caucasian.
I do not agree with Chai Vang's actions. I believe he deserved his punishment.
However, I just have to add, that the Caucasians invaded the Native American's land, and the Native Americans now forgave them. The Caucasians lynch and slaved the African Americans, and now the Africans forgave them. (Please emphsize on the plural of caucasians)
Now I ask you, can you forgive us Hmong who in fact had NOTHING to do with ONE Hmongs decicision?
Apart from the other Hmong that seems to post that Chai Vang is a hero, I say he is a murderer(for shooting the caucasion men in the back). However, I believe that he was probably taunted by these men he came across.
Yes, it is childish and immature to react the way he did, but a person has to think about what occurred. Because something like this can ever happened, it made me think that if he did shoot those men, the Caucasians of Wisconsin may had provoked others many times before.
Because I live in Sacramento I am not sure how it is like there. However it was not a fond situation when I saw this exact sticker near my Sacramento home. An issue in Wisconsin here in Sacramento. However Sacramento is does not seem to be like that of Wisconsin. We have differ ethinicities and are not racist. As to Wisconsin where the majority of the state is Caucasian.
I do not agree with Chai Vang's actions. I believe he deserved his punishment.
However, I just have to add, that the Caucasians invaded the Native American's land, and the Native Americans now forgave them. The Caucasians lynch and slaved the African Americans, and now the Africans forgave them. (Please emphsize on the plural of caucasians)
Now I ask you, can you forgive us Hmong who in fact had NOTHING to do with ONE Hmongs decicision?
I'm not agreeing with Chai Vang's decision, but I don't think it's necessary to be saying all this crap about chai vang. He did what he had to (it was the wrong choice) but nonetheless how would you feel if you were in his situation? i bet you ain't nothing but a fucken white person huh? Have you ever been humiliated or insulted becuase of your race? I don't think so. Have you ever been threatened or made inferior like I'm sure them white hunters did to chai vang? I'm pretty sure the answer to that is no as well. Think before you say anything. You don't know fuck shit about being a minority...how hard is for us to live and deal with people like you every fucken day. Please do me a favor and fuck off. Chai Vang is no racist...he felt threatened and he made his choice. As far as I'm concerned, them white fucks asked for it.....they didn't deserve it, even if they were fucken jerks, but they asked for it.
fuck all ya white shit!
i believe ya need to die more!
its not that ya white crash didnt try killing us hmong before, look what happen last two week, a white crash like you guy just kill one of us hmong and was only charge 20years or 100,000. billbond.
what kind people are you!
i just wish you red neck die more
i believe ya need to die more!
its not that ya white crash didnt try killing us hmong before, look what happen last two week, a white crash like you guy just kill one of us hmong and was only charge 20years or 100,000. billbond.
what kind people are you!
i just wish you red neck die more
man.. fuck all ya wis white pakawooz...
i never was and never did like ya white ass, maybe just to fuck ya white girl but other then that, fuck ya
i never was and never did like ya white ass, maybe just to fuck ya white girl but other then that, fuck ya
not too sure how long these comments are but i don't pay too much attention to these crap but i was bored today so started surffing the net and came upon this and after reading all ya comments..this is what i have to say..to all ya peeps...this is from chai's heart too...we as the VANG family gives out all thanks to chai's supporters and appreciates every thought and effort for standing up for my brother..this kills our heart too and it is very good and nice to know that there are people out there that truely believe in chai and trust me peeps chai is very thankful to all ya..and of all this that has happen he wants everyone out there to understand using himself for example that we all should learn to love one another so neither side doesn't lose their love ones..there's so much to say but in here will never be enough to explain..but this is not the end and as much as ya loves goes out to him his love goes out to ya too...just incase for those peeps out there who has a heart our family has been in nothing but aches but we're coming along now and of course will ALWAYS BE FIGHTING FOR CHAI'S FREEDOM...again from chai thanks too all his supporters he loves & appreciates ya much..well from me as his sister and his fighter..i will always be looking for ways to prove his rights..i do understand what the world is saying in every way but i only ask this question..WHAT WOULD YOU DO IF YOU WERE IN HIS SHOES???? don't lie to yourself..cause you'll regret and you'll forget your dignity and who you are..good luck to all as our heart goes out to all open minded and heart peoples...
to our non supporters.. i hope and wish that what happen to chai will never happen to ya cause you WILL NEVER survive..and this is a fact..
..remember we are TOO the victims here and we know how it feels so think about it very hard and i just ask ya to open your hearts and minds and don't be too shallow cause you will eventually come across hardships in your life and you'll think of me and say i'm right..maybe you SHOULD open your heart and mind..
always the VANG families..
to our non supporters.. i hope and wish that what happen to chai will never happen to ya cause you WILL NEVER survive..and this is a fact..
..remember we are TOO the victims here and we know how it feels so think about it very hard and i just ask ya to open your hearts and minds and don't be too shallow cause you will eventually come across hardships in your life and you'll think of me and say i'm right..maybe you SHOULD open your heart and mind..
always the VANG families..
oh hell yeah man chai vang is totally my model shit
chis is totally cool no matter what ya say u guys are the cowards shit it wasnt his fault gosh they were disrespecting him i couldnt blame him for what he did
chis is totally cool no matter what ya say u guys are the cowards shit it wasnt his fault gosh they were disrespecting him i couldnt blame him for what he did
whitys werent the first people here last time i checked so screw u ben u lil mommy boy shit go get a education
ok one more thing u white bitches if chai cant kill white people how come white people killed the indians huh? explain that shit white crackers beside u white people got nothing better to do than blame people for ur crimes shit oh why dont u white bitches compare the killing of white people history to asians huh huh? ya just mad cuz we hmong stick together
Um, fuck you. You use my name while being too cowardly to sign your comments with yours.
Other than that, I've never killed anybody. No slants, wagon-burners, or honkeys, so I don't know why you are pissed off at me.
I like adult beverages as opposed to genocide.
And while you are asking me to read a book, you might work on your grammar, motherfucker.
Dearly yours,
Um, fuck you. You use my name while being too cowardly to sign your comments with yours.
Other than that, I've never killed anybody. No slants, wagon-burners, or honkeys, so I don't know why you are pissed off at me.
I like adult beverages as opposed to genocide.
And while you are asking me to read a book, you might work on your grammar, motherfucker.
Dearly yours,
shut the fuck up. we all know Chai was just defending himself. he was an older man who didnt even know how to speak english very well and to have how many? 8 fucken deer hunting redneck trailor trash bitches who think they tuff with their john deers and flannel shirts and overalls come up to him calling him names and corner him.. making him think that they are going to harm him.. wtf.. you know its true that theres some racist ass bitches who just gonna put poor Chai in jail just cus hes hmong. what if it was a white boy? it would be all good huh? listen to yourselves.. you dumb peices of shit. get a life. CHAI VANG IS NOT A DISGRACE. he's a HERO and you white hoes just jealous. I LOVE HMONG PEOPLE. they have big penis'.
Hey Ben,
dont try to get all smart in here you fucken uneducated bitch. i know you just use word pad's synonyms for your words. you little bitch with no life. i bet you up in the library using their comps. for this. you hoe. useless fat slut. white fucker. trashy cracker. get your own computer. hoe.
dont try to get all smart in here you fucken uneducated bitch. i know you just use word pad's synonyms for your words. you little bitch with no life. i bet you up in the library using their comps. for this. you hoe. useless fat slut. white fucker. trashy cracker. get your own computer. hoe.
As an Asian American, the racist comments (anti-Asian and anti-white) above are extremely embarrassing. Let me clarify something - both white people and Hmong in Minnesota and Wisconsin are very backwards and uneducated.
Hmong people are not only from the "Mexico" of China (Laos and Vietnam), but a specific group of "mountain people" that typically live in farming and hunting villages of less than 100 people. Over the course of hundreds of years, these mountain people have been inbreeding simply due to geographic obstacles. As seen in "Grand Torino", a Hmong sees no problem having sex with his cousin.
Now the white people in Wisconsin and Minnesota are only marginally better. They hide thier racism pretty well, but ANY minority will tell you how most whites feel (and you can deny it all you want, but you know how you act in private).
Bottom line is you have 2 equally retarded groups of people with guns....what do you think will happen? Anyways, you can deny what I'm saying is true, call me a racist/classist, etc, but ask any minority who has lived in both the Midwest community and either CA or NYC, they will tell you the same...it's a world of difference interacting with people who are "colorblind". You still will get into arguements and fights, get disrespected, but you can always tell it's never because of race.
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Hmong people are not only from the "Mexico" of China (Laos and Vietnam), but a specific group of "mountain people" that typically live in farming and hunting villages of less than 100 people. Over the course of hundreds of years, these mountain people have been inbreeding simply due to geographic obstacles. As seen in "Grand Torino", a Hmong sees no problem having sex with his cousin.
Now the white people in Wisconsin and Minnesota are only marginally better. They hide thier racism pretty well, but ANY minority will tell you how most whites feel (and you can deny it all you want, but you know how you act in private).
Bottom line is you have 2 equally retarded groups of people with guns....what do you think will happen? Anyways, you can deny what I'm saying is true, call me a racist/classist, etc, but ask any minority who has lived in both the Midwest community and either CA or NYC, they will tell you the same...it's a world of difference interacting with people who are "colorblind". You still will get into arguements and fights, get disrespected, but you can always tell it's never because of race.
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