Friday, October 08, 2004

Debate Deaux

First off, let me say that I hate townhall formats. Inevitably they pick people who have a hard time reading questions, they themselves wrote. The other thing is: outside of foreign policy shit, questions inevitably devolve to "what are you going to do for me" type crap. This one was slightly improved because the moderator got to screen the questions. That still didn't help with anunciation or people remembering that they need a microphone to be heard.

Bush did a lot better. Kerry did just as good.

The bit that confounded me was Kerry's response to the obligatory abortion question. Now, don't get me wrong, abortion is a topic I like to stay afield from (and after all this primarily a gun blog.)

Now the specific question doesn't matter, because Kerry didn't address the substance of a single question all night. His response was something like this:

"I'm a Catholic. I was raised Catholic. I went to Catholic school. I was an altar boy. I take my faith seriously, blah, blah, blah."

He states that religion constitutes deep belief. But then he pops off with how just because he believes in something, something deeply (after all he was an altar boy), he doesn't feel he should impose that belief on people who don't agree with him.

Now someone correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't being in modern government all about imposing your beliefs on people, regardless of whether they agree with you or not? Especially the liberal view of government?

After all, this guy owns a Chinese assault weapon as a souvenir from his service, but he thinks I'm too stupid to own a pistol without an internal lock?

The thing that got me about his answer to the question about publicly funded abortions was that he wouldn't impose his views on others, therefore, he would pay for abortions with other people's money because poor people have the right to an abortion, but can't afford it. Well, I have the *right* to buy a porsche. I can't afford it. When will Kerry supply me with one?
As far as rights go, you don't have a right to a Porsche or an abortion, as far as I can see. Both are, what I would consider to be, privledges, from a Constitutional standpoint. Rights are ennumerated in that document.

But, to go with your example, you have a right to a Porsche. That means either everyone should own a Porsche or nobody should.

Welcome to the collective farm.
I agree with you on that, I don't really like it when people throw around the word "right" for such things. But, under a few definitions of the word, it fits. But if it's the government's job to supply to everyone everything that they are not forbidden to own... well, welcome to the soviet. Frankly, it's rather disturbing to have a major party nominee saying things like that.
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